
Waterfall Gully Preschool staff and parents recognise the importance of sharing knowledge with our children about ways of caring for our planet and empowering future generations with the skills to make a positive contribution to the care of the environment.

Waterfall Gully Preschool intends to be a shining example of this; a preschool not only recognised for teaching excellence, but also for it’s ability to role model sustainable practice. We understand that if we do not take action the lives of the school’s students will be detrimentally impacted in the future.


We have re-ignited the sustainability committee this year and we are delighted to be creating four newsletters across the year to share ideas with families and inform them of what we are doing at WFG Preschool. We will also be working on other ideas to ensure that sustainable practice remains a priority at the kindergarten.

If you are interested in contributing to our sustainability efforts or joining the committee, please email We welcome all ideas and suggestions to help promote sustainable practices at WFGPS, at home and in the community.

Please click on the link below to view our latest newsletter:

Sustainability Newsletter May 2023


Please click on the link below to learn more about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and how we integrate these into our practices at Waterfall Gully Preschool to foster children’s learning.

United Nation Sustainable Development Goals Information Sheet



Waterfall Gully Preschool were asked to write an article for the Teachers Learning Network. The article documented the sustainability journey of our kindergarten.

Please click below to access the article.

Our Sustainability Journey 


Palm Oil

The sustainability sub committee has been addressing the growing problem with the use of palm oil in many products we consume. We often don’t know they contain palm oil which makes it difficult to make informed choices regarding consumption. We are trying to address the purchasing practices of the Kindergarten in regards to palm oil and would like to share this information with families so that all interested parties can make changes if required.

Palm oil is an issue due to the destruction of habitat for production, displacement of forest communities and wildlife species and destruction of trees which creates environmental issues.

Kathryn has kindly created a list of brands and products that may contain palm oil. This list is attached. I have also attached a fact sheet from cool Australia about palm oil. This explains why a move to buying products that contain sustainable palm oil would be more beneficial than a ban or boycott of products.

Palm Oil Fact sheet

Foods that contain Palm Oil

With the attached information everyone can make informed decisions about what they are buying. If a product contains palm oil, it should be from a sustainable source. This is represented by the symbol on the attached fact sheet.

We hope that this information is of some interest to families and helps in their understanding of the small things we can do each day to make a difference to our planet.


Waterfall Gully Preschool

Waterfall Gully Preschool