Useful Links

Early Childhood Resources

Parents often ask us where we purchase our Early Childhood resources. We purchase items from a number of companies. Here are some links to the main companies we purchase items from.

Growing Child


Tara Treasures

Koori Curriculum

Modern Teaching Aids (MTA)

Raising Children Network

This website is a wonderful resource for parents and carers. The following is how they describe themselves.

“We provide up-to-date, evidence-based, scientifically validated information about raising children and caring for yourself as a parent or carer. We gather this information and translate it into everyday language with plenty of real-life examples.

Based on the evidence, we describe and explain various parenting methods and options and let people choose for themselves, depending on what suits their circumstances. We give people tools and practical ideas to apply in their own situations – we don’t tell them what to do.

We offer facts without a hidden agenda. If the science is unclear, or if there’s evidence for more than one approach to an issue, we let people know about the different approaches and their risks and benefits”.

Click on the link for more information. Raising Children Network

Healthy Eating Recipes

Not sure what to cook for dinner? Click this link for lots of tasty and nutritious recipes and ideas that are perfect for children!

Waterfall Gully Pre School uniform

You can purchase long and short sleeved tee shirts, bucket hats, jumpers and jackets from Eduthreads at Waterfall Gully Preschool – EduThreads


Waterfall Gully Preschool

Waterfall Gully Preschool